Friday 22 April 2016

A Little Intro

Welcome to my blog!

I hope you enjoy reading as much about books as actually reading them. I, myself, spend way too much time reading about books and this has led to an ever-growing pile of TBR books. I now have tonnes of physical and Kindle books, which I will do a post about in the future.

Let me first introduce myself. I fell in love with reading, or rather stories, from the day my mom first told bedtime stories to my sis and me. My love for reading really grew during secondary school with easier access to a library, both local and the school one. I would spend hour after hour reading and could easily manage to read a new book every day.

Then unfortunately, during college, when I really had a lot of free time on my hands, my reading took a back seat and I can barely remember reading (just a handful of books L). After getting a full-time job, other priorities took over and somehow I almost forgot about reading. A couple of years ago, however, during a really slow time at work, I stumbled across Gutenberg while looking for free books to read online. I read Anna Karenina and it brought back my joy and lost love for reading.

Over time, I slowly got back into the habit of reading but it would still be an occasional read. Last year, I took up a Twitter reading challenge hosted by local newspaper, #BrunchBookChallenge, joined GoodReads, and managed to read 26 wonderful books. There are so many books I have bought since then and I really hope to find some relaxing time to read.

I’m starting this blog to share all the amazing stories I come across and to keep a journal about the things I loved most about each book. I have already managed to read 18 books this year and hope this will be a great year for reading. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to add more beautiful books to your TBR list.

Happy reading!

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